Project HEAL (Hope, Education and Awareness to Live)

“You are Better Than That”

Project HEAL was formed out of a growing concern related to the need for good character development in our youth and the increasing incidents of gun violence spreading throughout our community and national at large. The Project HEAL was established under the Share Life United Appeal Fund which is a 501c3 Non-Profit Organization.

Project HEAL’s “You are Better Than That” curriculum’s primary emphasis is to promote, good character, good citizenship and teach non-violent conflict resolution skills to students enrolled in primary and middle inner-city public schools. This grassroots effort will offer mentorship, and one on one support for students at highest risk (High Potential) in local primary and middle schools. Students will receive services designed to address mental, spiritual, and social health equity in the community. We are parents, grandparents and citizens who not only want to save our children from violence but who are willing to invest in and give our best to help develop our children into good citizens who make positive contributions to their communities.




To foster a culture that teaches and supports the principles of good citizenship in our children, schools, and communities at large. To improve the welfare of communities by applying community violence intervention programs offering services that impact the elimination of gun violence and provide non-violent strategies to conflict resolution in the city of Birmingham, Alabama, and neighboring communities. To engage communities, educate youth, and raise awareness of ways to reduce gun violence and heal families. To bring people together across communities to address gun violence and related issues.

To empower communities to address gun violence, responsible gun ownership, conflict resolution and educate our youth to build hope for a better future.



The Project HEAL “You Are Better Than That” initiative is a community violence intervention program. It will work alongside other organizations with the goal of teaching conflict resolution without violence and cultivating a culture of non-violence. The primary goal is to raise awareness and enlightening others of the fact that all life matters. This initiative will encourage good citizenship with programs tailored to address the needs of our community in an effort to reduce gun violence.


The Project HEAL initiative will broaden knowledge of these growing problems by working at the intersections of school gun violence issues to identify common underlying causes and develop strategies and solutions that solve multiple problems while working in partnership with communities and like-minded advocates to magnify and duplicate the project’s impact in conjunction with facilitating a culture in communities for responsible gun ownership and conflict resolution strategies.

Curriculum Topics

No Bullying
  1. Physical
  2. Verbal/Cussing
  3. Cyber/Sexting
  4. Review
No Drugging
  1. Drinking/Household Items
  2. Smoking/Vaping/Huffing
  3. Prescription/Street Drugs
  4. Review
No Bad Behavior
  1. Lying
  2. Cheating
  3. Stealing
  4. Review
No Injustice
  1. Racism/Hatred
  2. Social
  3. Poverty and Economic
  4. Review
No Assaulting
  1. Raping
  2. Killing
  3. Fighting
  4. Review
No Engaging in Peer Pressure
  1. Blaming
  2. Ridiculing
  3. Jealousy
  4. Review
No Self Centeredness
  1. Thoughtlessness
  2. Vanity
  3. Showing off/Bragging
  4. Review
No Lack of Confidence
  1. No Quitting
  2. Irresponsibility
  3. Laziness
  4. Review
No Lack of Respect
  1. Respect of Authority
  2. Divisiveness
  3. Irresponsibility
  4. Review
No fear
  1. Self-Pity
  2. Sneaking
  3. Gossiping
  4. Review
No Anger
  1. Impatience
  2. Greed
  3. Vengefulness
  4. Review
No Use of Guns
  1. Gun Laws
  2. Conflict Resolution
  3. Non-Violence Pledge
  4. Review

Donate to help create positive change in our community.

Contact Information: Project HEAL (Hope, Education and Awareness to Live)
Dr. Derritta Ford-Gainer,
Mr. Gregory Hicks,